Jules Tushuizen
Jules Tushuizen has 14 years experience as a Certified Practicing Speech Pathologist with a Masters of Speech Language Pathology and Master of Inclusive Education in Autism. Jules also has a Bachelors of Arts in English, Linguistics and Sociology.
Jules has worked at SDN (Sydney Day Nursery), OAC (Only about Children), The Portland Women and Children’s Hospital (London), and within schools, homes and clinics both in Sydney and London.
Jules is passionate about Early Intervention and supporting children and families as soon as a difficulty is noticed so that children can have the very best outcomes and meet their full potential.
Jules enjoys supporting children and families from all ages with a special focus on children diagnosed as neurodiverse or on the Autism Spectrum. Jules continues to provide free talks and in-services to local preschools, educators and parents, and child-care centres.
Jules has a YouTube channel with helpful videos, covering various topics (“Child Speech Therapy Australia”) and Instagram @childspeechtherapy
Jules is trained in:
Hanen (It Takes Two To Talk)
Attention Autism
Master of Inclusive Education in Autism
Key Word Sign
PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System)
Hanen (SPARK)
TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autistic and related Communications and Handicapped Children)
Jules lives in Sydney with her husband Scott, two young sons, and Belgian Barge dog Benji.
Languages: English
Work Days: Wednesday, Thursday